It's Gut Check Time!
Hello! Hello! Hello!   Is anyone here? here? here?  Wow! This place is a whole lotta empty! (Hmm, rather like my belly in that regard). Now almost completely gutted, my indoor playground is just a shell of its former self! Time to plaaay..."Find the Cricket"! I know he's in here someplace. I can hear him! Maybe under the table?! Nope. Behind the column?! Uh uh. Hey, what's that column doing right in the middle of everything anyway? It's gotta go! Ooo, found him! Hiding inside the wall. Come out Mr. Cricket! I won't hurt you. I just wanna sniff you. Aaand..maybe taste you a little bit. What if I was to put my paw on top of you just to see if...No? Well, you're no fun. No matter. I think I smell a squirrel anyway.
Okay, gentlemen. This place is now a blank canvas. Time to start working your magic! Click here to watch GraemeCam: It's Gut Check Time!


  1. Wow G! Looking good. Did you put a pawtographed ballie-ballie, like a time capsule, in the wall? Big G

  2. Always exciting when the walls come down. You think you have SO MUCH space but then the new walls go up and it is like.....where did my space go??!!


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